Gardening To-Do List For March

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We know your green thumb has been itching to get back into the garden all winter long! While the temperatures may not be cook-an-egg-on-the-sidewalk high, it’s warming up enough to begin working on your perfect garden for the year!

Here are a few gardening activities you can get down and dirty with this March.

Organizing Your Supplies

Before you get started in the dirt, roll up your sleeves and take inventory of your gardening supplies. Order any seeds or bulbs you’ll need, replace any old or broken tools, and clean out your garage or shed to create a clean slate for the year!

Here are a few supplies you should update each year:


Your soil is where it all happens! Your plants need a good, strong bed to thrive in. To create the best environment for your plants, you should be testing, weeding, and composting.


Once you get your soil test results back, you’ll know what nutrients are missing from your garden. Use this information to find the right compost for your soil and get going! Allow your soil to sit and rest for a couple of weeks before planting.

Prepping Your Lawn

You’ve got your supplies in hand and your space ready to go, now it’s time to get to work.


Your flower beds have been left alone for a few months now, so it’s natural that weeds have taken over. Try to weed after it’s rained, the moist soil will make it a lot easier to wiggle the weeds from their spot. Be sure to get the entire weed, including all of the roots! Weeding can be tedious and sweaty work, so don’t hesitate to reach out to our team for weeding services.


A soil test will ensure that your seeds will flourish. It will determine which nutrients your soil has and which it needs. When March hits, take a sample of your soil and send it off to a soil testing site for examination!


Your trees and shrubs have been shrouded in some extra padding for the chilly winter season. Now that the weather is changing, it’s the perfect time to give them a little trim! Pruning will encourage strong growth and health. With Supreme Enterprises LLC’s pruning services, our professionals will take excellent care of your trees and shrubs and provide excellent clean-up afterward.


Now for the main event! March is prime planting time for many of your favorite garden crops.


It’s time to start prepping for your summer salads and other veggie-packed recipes! While there may still be a chill in the air, there are several vegetables that you can begin planting:

  • Carrots
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Peas
  • Shallots

If you’re itching to get started on cauliflower, brussels sprouts, sweet peppers, or celery, it’s not too early! These will do well when planted indoors or in a greenhouse this season.


Early flowering bulbs should be planted this month for a summer bloom! Make sure you’re planting these bulbs in an area with well-draining soil so they don’t become mushy and rot.

Ready to make your dream project a reality?
Call us at 270-205-4108 to get started with a free estimate, or you may contact us online.

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