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You may be surprised that excavation is the third largest construction industry in the U.S., after electrical and plumbing. At Supreme Enterprises LLC, we aren’t only digging holes; we are moving mountains and making changes to the terrain of your property for a wide range of activities and purposes, including site demolition, grading, clearing, grading, utility service installation, improvements, grading and subgrade work, residential developments, public works projects, road projects, and lot clearing.

The Excavation Process

Inspect and Prepare Site

Before any work can be done, the site must be inspected. This inspection includes ensuring it is clear of obstructions such as trees and rocks. If there are any obstructions, they must be removed before excavating can begin.

Clearing Obstructions

Depending on the size of the project and how many workers are available, this step may take a few minutes or days to complete. If no workers are available, it is necessary to hire contractors to help clear away obstructions. The cost for clearing obstructions varies depending on how much material needs to be moved and how many people it takes.

Start the Excavation

After clearing all obstructions from your site, excavation digs down into your desired depth and width for your project. This will allow for proper drainage, support for structures (if needed), and other factors that might affect the stability of whatever you’re building on top of it later down the road.

Typical Equipment


Excavators are the most common type of equipment used in excavations because they can dig large amounts of dirt quickly and efficiently. They also can maneuver around obstacles that would otherwise cause problems with other types of equipment.


This machine has an angled blade on the front used to push dirt out of its path and level uneven ground. Bulldozers are mighty machines that can move large amounts of material quickly and efficiently. A bulldozer is typically used for large-scale projects such as mass excavation or site demolition, where many obstacles must be removed before further work can begin.


A backhoe is similar to an excavator but with one significant difference; instead of using a bucket to dig with, it uses a backhoe arm that looks like an upside-down L shape, with one end being the blade and the other end is a handle for operating the machine. This makes it easier for operators to dig deeper into the soil without moving their entire body around to control where the blade goes while digging.


The loader is a piece of heavy machinery that can be used for many projects. This includes moving dirt and rocks around to make room for new construction sites. Loaders are also used in farming operations.

Types of Excavation

Mass Excavation

It is used to remove large amounts of soil from a site, often for construction projects. For example, when building an on-site storm shelter or basement.

Site Demolition

Used when a building needs to be torn down and removed completely from its former location, leaving behind nothing but the foundation (if any).

Site Grading

Used when landscaping needs to be done at a particular site to level it out horizontally or vertically (depending on what kind of work needs to be done). The result will be a flat surface that can be built upon further with whatever else might be needed (e.g., laying down asphalt or concrete).

Clearing and Grubbing

Clearing and grubbing involves clearing trees, brushes, stumps, and other materials from an area before you begin excavating. If you don’t do this, your digging equipment could get stuck on hidden obstacles like roots or rocks. This also allows you to remove any landscaping that may have grown over existing utility lines, so you don’t dig up any lines by accident when digging out your foundation or trench for plumbing pipes.


Excavation is digging either a hole or trench in the ground. Workers typically do this manually but can be assisted by heavy machinery like backhoes. Excavation projects, such as planting a tree or complex, can be small and straightforward. Contact Supreme Enterprises LLC for all excavation needs!

Ready to make your dream project a reality?
Call us at 270-205-4108 to get started with a free estimate, or you may contact us online.

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